Rosh Hashanah 2023 Menu Template
Need menu help? This Rosh Hashanah menu template organizes everything and is great to use as a reference!
This year, Rosh Hashanah is easy since the first day is Shabbos. I know many of my friends are thrilled, but as someone who loves Yamim Tovim, it almost feels like I am being cheated. On the other hand, it does make life easier to just make a nice Shabbos menu and not have to worry about all that extra cooking. And this year, with Rosh Hashanah coming out so early, it will definitely help as the kids are still home from school and Rosh Hashanah is just two weeks away.
I like to be able to see everything I am making at one glance, so I have been using this type of menu template probably since before I got married. (Though, back then, I made it with a pen, paper and a good ol’ ruler — now I’m all fancy-shmancy with graphics and all!) I always print two templates — one for scribbling and note-taking where I cross things off as I make them and one that’s nice and neat that I keep as a reference from year to year. I have a looseleaf where I keep templates from the last 15 years or so. It’s wonderful to be able to look back and see what I made every year and how my menus have evolved.
Like I’ve mentioned before, I keep my menu very simple. Good, solid food, especially since the men come home from shul tired and hungry after davening all day. I make a lot of recipes from my cookbook, My Pesach Kitchen. While “officially” it’s a Pesach cookbook, many of the recipes, especially the mains, can be used all year. I mean, how much flour are you putting in your chuck roast?
Feel free to reach out to me for all your cooking or menu questions. I am here to help!