No-Fail Oven-Baked Gefilte Fish

Did you know you can make gefilte fish in the oven? Skip the pots and get ready for perfect baked gefilte fish, every time!

oven-baked gefilte fish

Please explain to me why gefilte fish gets such a bad rap! So often, when I tell someone I love gefilte fish, their face curls up like a Muppet who just swallowed a fly. But I have always loved gefilte fish. And shocker, as a little girl, I would dip my challah into the fish juice! 

My mother always made the best heimishe-style stovetop gefilte fish. No matter how hard I tried, I could never get it right. Either it was mushy inside or dry and burnt. At one point I simply gave up and stopped making it. I would serve salmon or some other fish but not gefilte. And then my mother-in-law taught me how to bake it! It comes out perfect every time—there’s no guessing whether it’s done or not. I have been making it that way ever since. 

I am not particular about which brand gefilte fish I buy. I find that once bahed, they all taste the same. I usually buy whatever is on sale. 

The spices I use are really suggestions. Feel free to add or change whatever you would like. Lately, I’ve just been sprinkling on some of my Union Spice Blends Mediterranean Blend. It’s so good like that! 

This baked gefilte fish freezes very well. Often, if I have enough left over, I’ll freeze it for the following week. 

I like to use real pans when I can, but I always make this fish in a disposable pan so I can use it to store the fish if I have leftovers and then throw the whole thing out. 

I suggest making this in a 2-lb. loaf pan as it spreads while baking, and if you do it in a 9×13, you will be left with a gefilte fish blondie (I speak from experience!). The only time I use a 9×13 is when I am tripling the recipe and putting three loaves in side by side, since they will hold each other’s shape in place as they bake.

I serve this fish cold or at room temp.

I know it’s classic to serve gefilte fish with chrein or even “chrayonnaise,” but I actually love eating my fish with chummus and chrein and skipping the mayo. 

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No-Fail Baked Gefilte Fish

Skip the pots for that perfect gefilte—minus the guesswork!
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  • 3 Tbsp water
  • 1 loaf frozen gefilte fish (any brand)
  • ½ tsp paprika*
  • ¼ tsp black pepper
  • ½ tsp onion powder
  • ½ tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp dill (optional)


  • Preheat oven to 350℉.
  • Spray a loaf pan well and add water. Remove frozen gefilte from wrapper and place in pan.
  • Sprinkle all spices on top.
  • Cover and bake for 1½ hours.


*I  never measure the spices—I just sprinkle some on. I only measured them here for the sake of creating an accurate recipe, but it’s really not necessary and you can easily just approximate.
Freezes well.

Recipe by Faigy Murray |

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    1. If it’s completely defrosted it’ll just be hard to work with as your unwrapping it. But once you put it in the pan and it cooks it will sort of take the shape on of the pan. Ideally if it’s still in the wrapper freeze it for an hour or two if you can and then make it. Good luck!

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